Hi everyone, here’s a really interesting general analysis of Frankenstein. The infographic made by Corey Baldwin present an overview of the characters, the author, the book and the context. I recommend you to take a look at it if you want to grasp the overall idea of this novel. The original link of this infographic is on https://www.pinterest.com/pin/533958099557708700/


Additionally, I added another infographic that concerns Paradise Lost by John Milton in order for you guys that didn’t read the book to better understand the parallels between both novels’ characters. It was created by someone under the pseudonym of W.O. The original link of this infographic is https://www.pinterest.com/pin/398850110735419290/.

Costa Marino

One thought on “Frankenstein and Paradise Lost’s Characters Infographics

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing these very excellent infographics. This surely helped me understand the link between both and the significance of Paradise Lost in Frankenstein.


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